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The following items are what you need to know to be prepared for your appointment:

  • We will not be blow drying and styling. Because we know that the covid-19 is transmitted through the air we will not be using blow dryers. There are no exceptions.
  • We will NOT be performing the following services: blow dry’s, beard trims, complimentary bang trims, clean ups, perms, smoothing treatments, and updo’s.
  • You will be required to wear a mask. We will provide if you do not have your own. Your hair stylist will be wearing a mask.
  • You must wash your hands before your service.
  • Do not arrive early for your appointment as we will have limited space inside the salon, and prepared if necessary to wait outside the doors of the salon.
  • There will be no food or drink in the salon.
  • No dogs or pets will be permitted.
  • No visitors during your service ei; no friends or family accompaniment.
  • All belongings will be kept on your person ;ie we will not be taking coats, bags, etc
  • We will temporarily not be accepting cash transactions.

Please remember that this is the safest way that we can operate for the first potion of our opening. Remember that your visits to the salon will not be like this forever – this is just for the time being. If you do not want to participate in the mentioned protocols we understand, and we encourage you to stay on our waitlist. Please consider that even thought this is one appointment in your schedule, our team of stylists and support staff will be in contact with hundreds of clients each day.  This is to not only keep you safe, but to keep our staff safe.

If you have:

  1. Have you travelled outside of Canada or had been in close contact with someone that has travelled outside of Canada?
  2. Do you have a fever?
  3. Have you had close contact with anyone with respiratory illness or a confirmed or probable case of COVID – 19?
  4. Do you have a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat or nasal congestion?

*we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule services

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