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To our valued guests,

Each day brings new developments related to COVID-19, and as we continue to navigate through these uncertain times we do so with the safety of our loyal guests and employees as our highest priority.

We closed the salon on Wednesday, March 18 and temporarily postponed all services until April 7.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that it is unlikely that we will be able to open the salon in April. We are currently evaluating global, national and local authorities’ guidance, and adhering to their recommendations. Until further notice all personal service businesses in BC must remain closed to break the train of transmission.

If you have an appointment in April, your appointment will be cancelled.

If you should choose to have your appointment rescheduled for the future, we are currently re-booking appointments starting May 1, please keep in mind that rescheduled appointments in May will be subject to change based on the current events.

If we can re-open before May 1, we will contact all our guests to provide them with options for earlier appointment dates.

To re-schedule your appointment for the month of May  email us at or call us at 250-388-3474 and leave a message.  We are staying on top of emails and messages throughout the week.


Our team has shown incredible strength, positivity and support for one another during this time.

They miss you and are anticipating the day that they will be able to have you back in their chair.


We have received requests for hair products and skincare. We will be doing are best to fulfill these requests by offering weekly product pick-up times with bags of sanitized product left by our door for your health and safety. If you would like to arrange for a product pick up, please call or email the salon to make arrangements.

We will continue to update you on our website, via social media and email.

We look forward to welcoming you back into our space.

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